Nellie Shippen
Nellie Shippen is a sixth-year graduate student in the Clinical Concentration of the UIC Psychology PhD program. After graduating with a BS in Psychology from Tufts University in 2014, she completed her MA in 2016 from the Tufts University Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Study and Human Development where she concentrated in Clinical Developmental Health and Psychology. Nellie most recently worked as a research coordinator at Boston Medical Center (BMC) where she conducted research studies with youth and adults through the Department of Psychiatry, developed peer to peer mental health programs, and conducted assessments with young adults in the BMC Wellness and Recovery After Psychosis (WRAP) program. Nellie has worked in school, summer camp, clinical, and research settings with adolescents and young adults with ADHD and other mental health diagnoses. She is interested in developmental outcomes of transition aged youth experiencing ADHD as well as implementing and adapting interventions for ADHD in non-specialty, school, and community settings.