Dr. Stevens is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her research focuses on implementing evidence-based assessment and interventions with adolescents and emerging adults with ADHD and related difficulties. Anne concentrates on adolescent and college student mental health, access to mental health services, the transition from adolescence to emerging adulthood, college adjustment, parental involvement, the parent-child relationship, and sex, age, and ethnicity differences in developmental psychopathology.
Dr. Stevens received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Wyoming, where she worked with Dr. Cynthia Hartung and her master’s degree in Clinical Health Psychology from Appalachian State University, where she worked with Drs. Will Canu and Kurt Michael. Dr. Stevens completed her clinical internship at the Medical University of South Carolina. Dr. Stevens’ dissertation was supported by APA Division 53’s Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Routh Research and Dissertation grant. She was also a co-investigator on a funded grant from the Specialized Foundation, which helped support the Riding for Focus physical education program with middle school students while at the University of Wyoming.